Tuesday 13 November 2012

B is for . . . Boobie and bottles

So E is a boobie baby! He lovss breastfeeding, he came out knowing exactly what he was meant to be doing. Luckily for me we really havent had a single problem with it...he just loves his boobies.
Anyway for a while he would happily take expressed milk out of a pigeon peristaltic teat and nothing else, which was fine. And then suddenly he stopped taking that. (mind you he would only have maybe one bottle a week if I was out or needed a break).
So we started buying other bottle, Avent, Nuk, Tommy Tippee, Medela honestly every teat and bottle we could find and he just had no interest in them. Rather than suck on them he would lick them for a bit and then scream. Of course it wasnt a huge deal as the boobies were always in close proximity.
The other day I bought a 3 pack of bottle from coles, 3 for $3.30 they were. I bought them because they are narrow neck and fit on my pump. Anyway I decided for the heck of it I would pump and oz(30ml) and see if he would take it...
...what a suprise, he took it first go without a problem!
Over $100 on bottles and teats and he takes literally the cheapest bottle you can buy!
Dont get me wrong it makes life easy for me, I just wish I had discovered this a month ago.
I guess money isnt a problem in E's world. Cheaper does the trick for him, he also only takes the cheapeat dummies.
I wonder if this trend will follow him into his teenaged year? We can only hope!

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